
Rabbi Barbara Aiello Blogs

Rabbi Barbara Aiello blogs bring you insight and thoughts on current and historic Jewish issues through the eyes of Rabbi Barbara.

Jewish History – with International scholar, Irene Shaland

Italy – Jewish and Secular

Jewish Ritual Rescue

Jewish Ritual Rescue  What Happens to Judaica When Our Kids Don’t Want It? Last year in a local...

Italian Jewish Singers

Italian Jewish Singers

Dalida` an Italian Jewish Singer - As a “Bat Anousim” she was “I nostri”  - “one of us.” Although...



Ferramonti Internment Camp The story of the Ferramonti Internment Camp is a story of Jewish...

Back to School in Italy

Back to School in Italy

It’s back to school in Bella Italia with school bells ringing (literally) in Serrastretta, my tiny...

Italian Graduation Day

Italian Graduation Day

Even by American standards Antonio Talarico is tall. Standing at well over six feet,  Italian-born...

Conversion to Judaism

Jewish Conversion Italy

Jewish Conversion Italy

It was Mazel Tov all around as eight conversion candidates assembled in southern Italy for Darshan...


The Swastika Tattoo

The Swastika Tattoo

By Rabbi Barbara Aiello “It’s always a good day when my grandson comes to visit!” Lillian’s smile...

Our Synagogue in Calabria

Board Member Does Mitzvot

Felicia Capozzoli –  Sinagoga Board Member and Advisor for Tikkun Olam and Youth Activities put...



Thanks to the "TorahNator"  Seniors Access Shabbat Services   “I’m calling it the...

Traveling Torahs

Traveling Torahs

An Update on Italy’s Traveling TorahsTorah on a Train…Torah on a Plane…Torah on a Boat…Torah in a...

Get Out of Shul Free Card

“Get Out of Shul Free” Card - A Shabbat Idea Whose Time Has Come:  Almost all of us have played...


It is springtime now and summer is coming. Vacations are on our minds and these are the days for...

Jews Around the World

Jews of the Emerald Isle

Jews of the Emerald Isle

Does Your Bubbe Come From Ireland? Characters:   Narrator - “Lepra-Cohen” Prophet Jerimiah Rebecca...

Elvis Presley Was Jewish

He passed away on August 16, 1977. On the Hebrew calendar the date was the second day in the...

Lost Sicilian Jews

A Story of Lost Sicilian Jews She arrived on Sunday morning, having received an announcement of...

Alaskan Jews Frozen Chosen

They live five thousand miles from New York City and they call themselves the “Frozen Chosen.”...