The Secret Jews Of Calabria

The Secret Jews Of Calabria
Join us as producer Carl Perkal, takes you on the incredible journey of the little know history of the Jews of southern Italy. This story begins at the time of the Macabees, continues through the horrors of The Inquisition, and arrives at the modern day when Calabrians began to discover and embrace their Jewish roots. When an American rabbi of Italian descent, Barbara Aiello, returns to her ancestral village in Calabria to encourage the locals to discover their Jewish heritage, not everyone (Jews and Christians) welcomes her.
Rabbi Barbara takes you on this challenging journey through the “toe” of the Italian “boot,” as she shares the joys and struggles of the “bnei anusim,” – Italians whose families were forced into Christian conversion centuries ago. Obscure alley ways, secret rooms and hidden traditions come to life as locals share family stories of Jewish traditions that for centuries were hiding in plain sight. “I’m Italian but could I be Jewish too?” Rabbi Barbara’s journey courageously answers that question that has mystified southern Italians for centuries and offers a glimpse into a piece of Jewish history that has only recently come to light.
Click Here To View Movie On Youtube
Movie Viewing W/Q & A
Is your synagogue, group or organization looking for a unique educational event for all ages? Consider having a viewing of “The Secret Jews Of Calabria”, with a Q & A with Rabbi Barbara Aiello to follow. Rabbi Barbara is world renowned as an authority on pluralistic Judaism as well as master story teller of little known Jewish history. Her family story along with her work QAtimedocum enting Italian Jews is featured in the film.
Here is what one temple president said following their event:
“Our thanks to YOU, Rabbi Barbara. You are an inspiration and everyone left in a heightened state of awareness and connectedness. Claude O (the older gentleman sitting to my left) loved the movie! We all loved the afternoon and loved the time you spent with us – in the movie and in person. We will definitely talk more and I am absolutely meeting you in Calabria within the next 5 years.”~Nancy President, Congregation B’nai Israel
Simply email Rabbi Barbara by clicking here and find out about fees and Rabbi’s availability!