Italian Customs with Jewish Traditions
Southern Italian Wedding Customs Based on Ancient Jewish Traditions Thanks to the dogged efforts of Prof. Vincenzo Villella and others, historians now document that following the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 and their escape during Inquisition times to...
Hava Nagila
Hava Nagila Ten Fabulous Facts for Bubbyes and Zaydes to Share Hava Nagila, a melody that originated more than 200 years ago, was born as a song without words (in Hebrew, “niggun”). During the era of forced inscription into the Czarist Russian army, young Jewish boys...
Jewish/Interfaith Weddings in Gorgeous Greece
Your Jewish or Jewish Interfaith Wedding in Gorgeous Greece For several years now I have had the opportunity of sharing the joys of Judaism on the Greek island of Rhodes. The oldest synagogue in all of Greece, built in 1577, is located there and the Jewish sites on...
One Rabbi’s View Same Sex Marriage
As they walked together toward the bridal canopy, the chuppah in Hebrew, their steps were slow and measured. But it was not only the solemnity of the moment that created the pace. There was something more. Ray’s arm steadied Giorgio while Giorgio’s cane offered them...
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